24 Ways Blog:
Edit-in-Place with Ajax
On the 24 Ways blog, there's this handy tutorial that shows you how to create an "edit in place" form for the content in your page.

Back on day one we looked at using the Prototype library to take all the hard work out of making a simple Ajax call. While that was fun and all, it didn't go that far towards implementing something really practical. We dipped our toes in, but haven't learned to swim yet.

So here is swimming lesson number one. [...] Prototype includes all sorts of useful methods to help reproduce something like this for our own projects. As well as the simple Ajax GETs we learned how to do last time, we can also do POSTs (which we'll need here) and a whole bunch of manipulations to the user interface � all through simple library calls. Here's what we�re building, so let's do it.

They stap through it all, giving you all of the Javascript you'll need to get it all working. Their example just echoes back what you send it, but you get the idea...

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